Peace Making: AV Class
This AV presentation contains pretty much the same conclusions I have shared in other papers here. Just done in an AV format.
Here we have the three choices that all of us face when trying to connect with others:
- shut-them-down, (bullying behavior)
- shut-ourselves-down, (deceit, passivity)
- make room for all. (affirm being dialogical)
This class evolved over time as I reflected on the skills that lead to being friends in the long-term, and the skills that reliably lead to trouble. More and more I realized that to be happy we need to become abnormal. Here is the short class, in 4 audiovisual pieces, that sums up all my learnings. Enjoy.
Hello and welcome here,
Well, I have another take on this. I believe firmly that it takes only one to stop this cycle and to reliably move toward being Dialogical. I've written on this phenomenon over and over.
Also I believe that it is very useful to be just as sharp at noting the passive tactics as it is in noting the active ones.
Check out all my stuff on Master/Slave, Power of Passivity, etc.
Good luck.
Surely both parties need to chooses be dialogical? If one party who previously used mastertalk switches, why would it affect a conflict avoidant spouse? Would the problem not still exist?
I find conflict avoidance far harder to spot than mastertalk and don't know which tools to use to deal with it, should I come across it again.