Class on Mirroring
Here's the class that I use to teach mirroring. I teach every couple or individual using this class. It has all the critical points. Enjoy.
Continue reading →Here's the class that I use to teach mirroring. I teach every couple or individual using this class. It has all the critical points. Enjoy.
Continue reading →How to approach relationship challenges? Tis all about applying knowledge of the Biological Dream and learning those skills. Tis all about knowing where you currently are on the Map of Relationships. Here are some examples.
Continue reading →Tis done. Here are 8 hours of chatting about my work. Laura is a very helpful interviewer and producer. Check out other work she does. This article has the links to MP3 files of all sessions. Download and enjoy.
Continue reading →A couple of days ago I got a note from a friend letting me in on her delight sharing the posters I have. Probably half a dozen times I have heard from people who used this method of learning the “wisdom” that I am passing on to you all.
Continue reading →I got this question, recently. Apparently in my Map of Relationships I have not described it enough. I guess I just referred to it as a "place" that people, all people want to go to. Well, ok, I'll share some thoughts on it.
Continue reading →When someone says, “I’m hurt” or “That upsets me,” or “I'm anxious,” what is a useful response? I find this is a central problem in the common co-dependency I see. Here are some ideas and links to deeper understanding.
Continue reading →I have been asked recently by people who are reading my papers on boundaries how to decide if something is mine or my partner's or what?? I was writing a response, and decided I'd better post it for everyone.
Continue reading →Been thinking of this for some time. I keep finding that sometimes being Rebellious is the way to go. Sometimes Stubbornness is wonderful. Even sometimes Passivity is a jewel. But when? I've never shared my enthusiasm about rebelling and being stubborn, and I fear I have given passivity a "bad rap." Enjoy!
Continue reading →This is a continuation of a discussion begun based on my paper on Safety and the Lizard Brain. An exercise in seeing the partnership of the reptilian brain, how it works, what it is trying to do. Click here for the original article on Safety.
Continue reading →My gosh, people get this simple issue so confused. It isn’t all that difficult. Here’s my poster on it.
In …
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