Map of Relationships (Full Version Script) Part IV
This is the script of a DVD of the full form of the Map of Relationships. Part IV, Relationship Framework.
Continue reading →This is the script of a DVD of the full form of the Map of Relationships. Part IV, Relationship Framework.
Continue reading →This is the script of a DVD of the full form of the Map of Relationships. Part III of the Map of Relationships. Compares Romantic Love and Vintage Love. Romantic Love always, always always ends. It has to. Anyone who says it doesn't might be selling snake oil.
Continue reading →This is the script of a DVD of the full form of the Map of Relationships. Part II, Blind Alleys.
Continue reading →This is the script of a DVD of the full form of the Map of Relationships. Part I, Introduction.
Continue reading →A simple look at ways of getting people to do what you want and like you. "What can you do to make them inclined to do what you want. What are you doing that makes them not inclined to do what you want."
Continue reading →Strange that last night these came to me. Another new way of looking at “being together in durable peacefulness.” Empower whatever group you are in to do the following.
Continue reading →This article is the result of 10 years of practice by my wife and I. It is a step by step structured process that will eventually both remove all critical frustrations from a relationship but will also build confidence and skills in dealing with new frustrations when they arise.
Continue reading →So what, after all is said and done is this thing called MasterTalk? I believe that because of some features of our language system we can speak things that do not exist. I see MasterTalk as a way of speaking from the omniscient point of view ? which exists in literature but not in real life.
Continue reading →"Pulling" is a critical component of making good communication work smoothly. It stops the habit of interruption. It promotes full sharing of points and it enables people getting to ?the bottom of things? ? quality understanding. It is the necessary fourth step of the Mirroring teaching tool, but it is a skill all its own. Here's my brief definition of a pull. A brief verbal or non-verbal invitation by receiver to the sender to keep talking on the subject at hand only. This gesture ends the ?insult of interruption.?
Continue reading →This is a letter I wrote to the Peace Project concerning my group's self-defined standards of Communologue.
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