Caring Days: Discussion
This is my response to a great set of questions posted on my article on the Problem with Expectations. But it covers so much territory, I decided to repond with an article. My thanks to the Poster.
Continue reading →This is my response to a great set of questions posted on my article on the Problem with Expectations. But it covers so much territory, I decided to repond with an article. My thanks to the Poster.
Continue reading →Notes on my seminar about Validation. I share what I have learned, how, and what I have come to believe validation is.
Continue reading →These are my notes for teaching Mirroring and for a class on “How to Teach Mirroring.”
Continue reading →Notes for a telephone class on my way of doing a first Couple's Session.
Continue reading →“My assignment, years ago as I got older, was to find a younger person and bless them, once every day.” I can share this secret with you. Now, take your time reading this. It is a gift that I can pass on.
Continue reading →This is a paper about the problem of "victimicity." It is Part 2 of my work on Master/Slave and Autonomy. You may want to read it with some caution, particularly because, based on feedback, this seems to be almost "graduate level" relationship material. It seems you really must be prepared to read it. Please be patient with me, and with yourselves. More material was added 7/5/07. I am sure there will still be minor changes and additions – and one last bit.
Continue reading →This is a writeup of an application of Communologue in a project that I completed 2003-2004.
Continue reading →This is a technique I use in the office when people are very reactive about an incident. I use it often. I have noticed that I refer to it in one of my most popular articles – on Resentments. Yet, nowhere have I written up how to do it. So, here goes.
Continue reading →All issues and problems that couples bring to my office are fair. Each person can lead the way out of the trouble. All problems EXCEPT ONE, that is. For one problem, there is only one person who can lead in the solution. This is the “Unfair Problem.”
Continue reading →A conversation with a relationship therapist about avoiding becoming a Bully.
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