Pray Lake with Sinopah in the background
25 year renewal of vows, Mexico.
Emerald Bay, Mazatlan, MX – the Gazebo
Safety and The Lizard: The Essay
The first most important skill in any relationship is about how to create a tone of safety – how to reliably lower each other's blood pressure. This paper is the background.
Pacific Sunset, Fall 2008, Moclips Washington
Three-Drawer Tool Box
I believe that everyone needs a three-drawer tool box. Each drawer represents different tools or skills needed in life.
Continue reading →Election Year – My Thoughts – Obama
“So, why are you voting for Obama,” I get asked this a lot. It has come up for several months, since I decided to share my preference in this fall’s election. These are my thoughts. They belong to me and yours should differ. If you don't like politics, skip this altogether.
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