Guilt, Fault, and Who is to Blame
My gosh, people get this simple issue so confused. It isn’t all that difficult. Here’s my poster on it.
In …
Continue reading →Flying a Great Relationship
People ask me how hard is a great relationship, and I am responding more and more that “it is not rocket science.”
But I have come across an image, that isn’t far from what most of us think is “rocket science,” that may be helpful to you.
Continue reading →Notes: On Teaching Validation
Notes on my seminar about Validation. I share what I have learned, how, and what I have come to believe validation is.
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Continue reading →Notes: On Teaching Mirroring
These are my notes for teaching Mirroring and for a class on “How to Teach Mirroring.”
Continue reading →Notes: Starting a New Couple (First Session)
Notes for a telephone class on my way of doing a first Couple's Session.
Continue reading →Find Mr. Right or Ms. Right
This question comes in often. “I am single and am looking for a partner. I know I have defects. How do I attract the right partner, one I can work with? How do I go about it?”
Continue reading →Decision Making in a Heirarchy
This is an excerpt from my paper on Dialogue in a Hierarchy. It focuses on decision making. It now includes a chart.
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