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Find Mr. Right or Ms. Right — 21 Comments

  1. Al,
    I've been seeing a woman for a couple of months now. She's nice, attractive, and I enjoy my time with her. Unfortunately, for me that's it. I don't find myself thinking about her when she's not around, or wondering when I can see her again. In fact, it almost seems like a chore to see her, even though I enjoy myself when we're together. We've certainly passed the 4 hour test. My reading of the situation is that she's much more into me than I am into her. My gut feeling is that she's not the one for me (or “A” one for me) and its also my 1st lengthy relationship since my divorce, so I'm really out of practice.
    There are other women in my life to whom I'm more attracted and with whom I really click. They are also more challenging, and yet that appeals to me. An “easy” relationship bores me quickly. And I guess that's the problem with the current one. I just am not getting that challenge that really gets my juices flowing. At this point, is it generally better to cut my losses and figure I've given it enough time, or is 2 months just not long enough to really know? Like I said, I'm way out of practice with this. Thanks in advance.

  2. Good letter and what a painful problem. Let me look at it a bit.
    I think of relationship as a place in space where the magical/romantic/idealistic meets the practical/concrete/visible actions. The trick is to keep one’s eyes on the magical while finding and learning ((practice until automatic) basic skills. When I am having trouble, I immediately try to identify the specific things I may be doing and can thus change. This tends to keep me hopeful – a nice thing.
    I do think that the skills you need will eventually have to be practices and honed in a relationship, but we are in relationships all the time and can learn a lot before we plunge or between plunges. (Though I do think people can learn most from quality reflections on what goes wrong in the plunges.)
    So let me look at what you’ve written. You say, “Women I really like, I scare away the fastest.” This is not some abstract lesson or idea. This is real and specific. What do you do? You need to find out. I don’t think the issue is that they are scared so much as that you do things that trigger their fear. Don’t look so much at them, but at what you are doing. Perhaps ask them, or our friends. Get specifics. Theories are a start, but it is the actual behavior that counts and probably needs changing. When you find something, actually you will probably find lots of somethings, first a) forgive yourself, b) identify who taught that behavior to you, c) identify and start practicing some new skills.
    Frustrated and discouraged? Well, that’s normal. Feeling stuck or trapped will do that. To me it is just a sign of “time to get my ass in gear.” The more frustrated or discouraged I am, the more stubborn my tendency to blame others for my responsibilities seems to be. The combination of passivity (“I can’t do anything”) and lack of good skills are a wonderful source of depression. So just start learning!
    I hear you think you know what type of woman you want, but also think of wanting to meet the kind of woman who sees you as the type of guy they want. Relationships are a wonderful opportunity to develop empathy skills.
    Ah, that old “my anxiety must be palpable” thingy. Yep. Goal in life it to relax and keep relaxed as a regular way of being. People connect with others, and deep inside their lizards are asking, “Can I relax with this person? Will I be safe?” If you are wildly tense, maybe you send their lizard a really wrong message. So here is a suggestion. Continue to live your life, date or not, as dates appear, but “plan” to live well alone. Make your living alone as comfortable as possible, so that a partner, should you find them, will join you in and only improve a “good thing.” Be ready for them to appear, but not frantic.
    Good luck.

  3. Al, I am so excited and relieved to have found your site! Your ideas make so much sense to me and help me understand myself and my relationships better. I really feel like I lack some basic skills though, and I'm interested in finding help…
    In your Map of Relationship, you say that learning the skills of the Biological Dream can really only be learned in a relationship. I am a very sociable guy in my early 30s with lots of great friends and would really love to be in a relationship, but it seems like the women I really like, I scare away the fastest. When I think back on the women I have dated, all of them were people I was initially not attracted to, and either I liked them or they liked me well enough to give things a try. There are some women I've met and been really interested in, but don't even seem to get a crack at getting to the four-hour test. From what I've read here, it sounds to me like I am probably making them feel unsafe so early in the game, that the game never even really starts.
    I feel like I have learned quite a lot about myself and I have a very clear picture of what type of woman I'm looking for. I am so frustrated, discouraged, and sad that I haven't been very successful with the women I've really liked from the get-go. I am now so scared of doing anything about anyone for fear I will scare them away before we ever really get to know each other. When I do act, my anxiety must be palpable and does not bring out the best in me. I would really like help on learning how to connect with women without scaring them away. I feel like I have only found the extremes here, and I want to get to a confident middleground so I can get to an actual relationship. I'm so discouraged and tired of finding someone really interesting and not being able to get anywhere…

  4. Dear Anonymous,
    Thanks for sharing your thoughts and decisions and especially your reasons for those decisions. I think one of the most difficult decisions is “When to Hold 'Em and When to Fold 'Em.” (A friend from Texas was gonna write a book on this topic.)
    Obviously I support your decision to move on. As I often say, “my decision will be 'wrong' according to someone the minute I announce it,” and “a good decision is one that you look back on from some time in the future and say, 'Hmmm. that was a good decision.'” And finally, “either it will work out or you will learn something from it. Either way you win!” These little phrases help keep me balanced.
    I encourage you to look further in my website and to deeply look at the Map of Relationships. Sounds as if this may contain some useful information for you in your journey.
    After seeing 2400 marriages I am used to the idea that “good well-matched couples” go through periods of unhappiness and move beyond those periods by learning new skills. Thus I don't think of “unhappiness” as a reason to quit, but a reason to learn.
    Also I am used to the idea that people always marry/match-up-with someone who at some time seems “not their type.”
    Keeping quietbecause you don't want to hurt someone always seems foolish in the long run – even though most of us are trained that way. See my paper on how much to tell.
    I like your sentence, “What I am experiencing in the relationship now is most likely what I am going to experience in the next 10 to 20 years.” I think this would be true if neither of you ever learned anything new. Successful relationships are all about learning and changing the way things are now. The core relationship fear is of being stuck, and your sentence sounds like that fear. I think that is all in your hands. You might want to read my paradoxical paper on It takes one to make a marriage, and two to make a divorce.
    Anyway, thanks for sharing and letting others see your thinking and learning. Keep in touch.

  5. Hi Anonymous 🙂
    Sorry for the late reply. I do not want to just simply reply without really thinking out the answer.
    I did not take her back. The reason is because deep down I know eventhough I loved her, I was not happy when I was with her. The reason is because she was not really my type. It is pointless having a relationship with someone you are not happy with just because she has all the good qualities of a girlfriend.
    The reason I asked the question initially was because I was acting out of fear. By that I mean, when I was in the relationship, I knew I was not happy. But initially I did not dare to break it off because firstly, I did not dare to hurt her as she was very nice to me. Secondly, I was afraid that I could not find someone as nice and as loving as her. So, initially, I persisted in the relationship. But as day went by, it got harder and harder.
    In the end I realised, eventhough I will hurt her by leaving her, I will hurt her even more if I stay on the relationship. I also think staying in the relationship with the hope that it will get better is a futile exercise. What I am experiencing in the relationship now is most likely what I am going to experience in the next 10 to 20 years. If I am not happy in the first 6 months, chances are I won't be happy either in the future.
    So I guess I asked myself the following questions:
    1. Was I happy when I am with her? I was, but not as happy as I would like to be (I could say this because I was much happier when I was with my previous ex)
    2. I am thinking of going after her back. Is this because of my missing her or my fear of not finding someone else as nice as her? It was more of the later one.
    So, the answer was quite clear to me, although sometimes I had my doubts but I just had to reaffirm myself.
    You might also want to read the following links. These two links were also helpful for me back then:
    However, there was only one thing that I regret. I wish I did not break up in a rush. I should have asked for a time off to really think things through before reaching for a decision. It is difficult to make a decision when you are so close to the problem.
    Best of luck for your future. Hope this helps.

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